Federal Judicial Police – DJSOC Environmental Crime Service

Mission(s) of the Unit: Making strategic analyses to conceptualise the phenomena; Giving advice and ensuring the co-ordination for the benefit of the investigators; Developing expert data bases; Providing specific expertise and support to the police services in the field; Ensuring information control and exploitation; Consolidating the police “environmental network”; Providing specific training for members of the “environmental network”; Promoting an integrated police method to tackle the phenomena; Initiating and let carry out proactive and reactive investigations ; Concluding “skeleton agreements”  (Police / Environmental Authorities); Representing the police in panels that deal with environmental protection  (INTERPOL, EUROPOL (EnviCrimeNet), EU, …).

Name NWP Federal Judicial Police- DJSOC Environmental Crime Service
Remarks (optional)
NWP of
UGhent please contact Hannah Verbeke at imarc@ugent.be
Professional field NWP
Central Environmental Crime Unit of the Belgian Federal Judicial Police dealing with serious environmental crime (e.g. traffic of waste, traffic of international protected species of plants and animals,…).
Organisational structure
National police organisation with local contact points and the international focal point for the Belgian police for environmental crime matters.
Short description NWP organisation
  • Mission(s) of the Unit:
      • Making strategic analyses to conceptualise the phenomena;
      • Giving advice and ensuring the co-ordination for the benefit of the investigators;
      • Developing expert data bases;
      • Providing specific expertise and support to the police services in the field;
      • Ensuring information control and exploitation;
      • Consolidating the police “environmental network”;
      • Providing specific training for members of the “environmental network”;
      • Promoting an integrated police method to tackle the phenomena;
      • Initiating and let carry out proactive and reactive investigations ;
      • Concluding “skeleton agreements”  (Police / Environmental Authorities);
      • Representing the police in panels that deal with environmental protection  (INTERPOL, EUROPOL (EnviCrimeNet), EU, ...).
Thematic key words (following the criteria of IMARC dimensions)
  • One of IMARC’s three dimensions: security
  • One (or more) themes within these dimensions:
      • Regulation & Control
  • Environmental Crime
Research needs and/or research questions NWP

How to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of  environmental legislation.

How to improve information exchange between the environmental enforcers (administrative, judicial) on national and international level.

How to improve the multidisciplinary approach to environmental crime.

How to achieve good arrangements (Memoranda of Understanding) between the various enforcement services.

Furthermore, students can analyse the organisational structure and organisational processes.

Offer NWP: the role of the IMARC researcher
  • independent conduct of research
  • access to data/documents
  • other, namely:
    A case study, leaving a number of judicial environmental files into which the illegally acquired benefits were calculated. For each dossier, it must be determined which criteria the investigators (environmental administration, police) have used to quantify the amount of illegal conditions. Next, the motives of the OM must be analysed. Finally, the argument of the judge at first instance and possibly in the appeal is of importance. These facts should then lead to a number of conclusions concerning the effective use of the foreclosure of illegally acquired benefits as well as concerning the effectiveness of the foreclosure (final amount, foreclosure with delay, arguments pro and contra, ...). Interviews with a number of key figures (investigator, OM and judge) can be of added value.
Number of IMARC researchers that can be placed at NWP per academic year
1 per year
Is it possible for IMARC researchers to have other forms of research collaboration and data collection (other than internship)?

Yes, namely:

  • Data collection
Financial compensation (for IMARC researchers)
Selection procedure


  • Procedure in use for the Belgian Federal Police (known to the UGhent)
Which language is required?
  • Dutch
Certain agreements that need to be respected, such as screening procedures for students and confidentiality of the data, and the like?
Professional secrecy; procedure of the Federal Police
Possible start date / end date internship and/or other research collaboration
January – June 2020
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