Federal Public Service – Home Affairs – Directorate Local Integral Security

The Directorate Local Integral Insecurity focusses on the following issues: Radicalization, feelings of insecurity at local level, Nuisance (impact on social cohesion), Violence, Violent radicalization, Burglary, Cybercrime, Drugs, Security profession (police, prevention officer, etc.) and local organization of crime prevention work.

Name NWP Federal Public Service – Home Affairs – Directorate Local Integral Security
Remarks (optional)
NWP of
UGhent please contact Hannah Verbeke at imarc@ugent.be
Professional field NWP
Crime prevention (all topics)
Organisational structure
National organisation, no other sections/departments/divisions
Short description NWP organisation
  • The Directorate Local Integral Insecurity focusses on the following issues:
      • Radicalization, feelings of insecurity at local level
      • Nuisance (impact on social cohesion)
      • Violence
      • Violent radicalization
      • Burglary
      • Cybercrime
      • Drugs
      • Security profession (police, prevention officer, etc.) and local organization of crime prevention work
Thematic key words (following the criteria of IMARC dimensions)
  • One (or more) of IMARC’s three dimensions: security
  • One (or more) themes within these dimensions:
      • Radicalisation & Extremism
      • Theory & (research) Methodology
Research needs and/or research questions NWP

The deployment of intervention and actors in the fight against violent radicalization

Is there a "model" for the process of radicalization?

What kinds of valid analysis are possible in the identification of a “feeling of insecurity”?

What is the role of citizens in combating violence, nuisance and radicalization?

What technological innovations are possible in the prevention of crime?

Furthermore, students can analyse organisational structure, organisational processes and methodology.

Offer NWP: the role of the IMARC researcher
  • independent conduct of research
  • participant observation, fieldwork
  • access to data/documents
  • possibility to consult experts and specialists
  • actively contributing to the development of policy and/or projects
  • internship/traineeship
Number of IMARC researchers that can be placed at NWP per academic year
1 to 3 per year
Is it possible for IMARC researchers to have other forms of research collaboration and data collection (other than internship)?

Yes, namely:

  • Data collection
      • Interviews
      • Document/archival research
      • Participant observation
  • Networking
  • Other
Financial compensation (for IMARC researchers)


  • Travel costs
  • Accommodation
Selection procedure


    • motivational letter, extract from the Criminal Record, description of the assignment
Which language is required?
  • Dutch
  • French
Certain agreements that need to be respected, such as screening procedures for students and confidentiality of the data, and the like?

Screening procedure for students

Possible start date / end date internship and/or other research collaboration
1 semester each year
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