Pauluskerk Rotterdam

The Pauluskerk Rotterdam is a place for all inhabitants of Rotterdam that need help either socially, medically or spiritually. Our goal is to provide people with practical tools that will help them gain perspective.

Name NWP Pauluskerk Rotterdam
Remarks (optional)
NWP of
please contact Elisabeth Brein at
Professional field NWP
Social Work
Organisational structure

Local Organisation: Church/Foundation

Short description NWP organisation

The Pauluskerk Rotterdam is a place for all inhabitants of Rotterdam that need help either socially, medically or spiritually. Our goal is to provide people with practical tools that will help them gain perspective.

The Pauluskerk believes that ‘belief’ and ‘giving care’ are inseparable in empowering the individual. The Pauluskerk aims to brings the political situation of the homeless, undocumented or other marginalized groups on the agenda of government agencies and other important actors.

The Pauluskerk is open every day of the week and everyone is welcome to come drink coffee and eat sandwiches. The Pauluskerk has a medical service, a social worker and a department of refugee work. Furthermore, there is the possibility to partake in artistic activities such as open ateliers and percussion classes as well as ‘kerkcafés’ in which different topics related to religion are treated. Every evening people are welcome to have diner for 1 euro. The Pauluskerk also works together with (art)festivals and organisations with expertise in the area of care or empowerment.

Thematic key words (following the criteria of IMARC dimensions)
  • One (or more) of IMARC’s three dimensions: social justice
  • One (or more) themes within these dimensions:
      • Human Smuggling
      • Human Trafficking
      • Inclusion & Exclusion
      • Migration
Research needs and/or research questions NWP

In what ways do the art activities in this institution influence the lives of people in a vulnerable position? Can they, and if so in what ways, empower them or provide them with practical tools needed to find their way in society? 
What is the effect of the bed, bath & bread rule on the lives of undocumented people?
What rules are put into place that might lead to the criminalization of homeless people in Rotterdam?

Offer NWP: the role of the IMARC researcher
  • independent conduct of research
  • participant observation, fieldwork
  • possibility to consult experts and specialists
  • actively contributing to the development of policy and/or projects
Number of IMARC researchers that can be placed at NWP per academic year
1 per time and academic year
Is it possible for IMARC researchers to have other forms of research collaboration and data collection (other than internship)?

Yes, namely:

  • Data collection
      • Survey/Interviews
      • Document/archival research
      • Participant observation
Financial compensation (for IMARC researchers)
Selection procedure


  • Short intake: what is your interest as a researcher and do you research interests fit and benefit the Pauluskerk.
Which language is required?
  • English
  • Dutch
  • other languages like French or Arabic is an advantage)
Certain agreements that need to be respected, such as screening procedures for students and confidentiality of the data, and the like?

Sensitivity with information and people in a vulnerable position. All the research would have to be conducted in close collaboration and agreement with the program coordinator art & culture.

Possible start date / end date internship and/or other research collaboration

