NICC – National Institute of Criminalistics and Criminology

NICC is a public research centre, part of the department of Justice. Its criminalistics section runs expertise and research in the forensic field, while the criminology department, member of the IMARC network, is dedicated to criminological research. In the centre of Brussels, its researchers study a wide range of fields, making the best use of combinations of quantitative and qualitative methods. Thanks to its position inside the department of Justice, it gains an easy access to the field.

Name NWP NICC - National Institute of Criminalistics and Criminology
Remarks (optional)
NWP of
UGhent please contact Hannah Verbeke at
Professional field NWP
Research centre
Organisational structure
National organisation, no other sections/departments/divisions
Short description NWP organisation

NICC is a public research centre, part of the department of Justice. Its criminalistics section runs expertise and research in the forensic field, while the criminology department, member of the IMARC network, is dedicated to criminological research. In the centre of Brussels, its researchers study a wide range of fields, making the best use of combinations of quantitative and qualitative methods. Thanks to its position inside the department of Justice, it gains an easy access to the field.

Thematic key words (following the criteria of IMARC dimensions)
  • One or more of IMARC’s three dimensions: border crossing, social justice, security
  • One (or more) themes within these dimensions:
      • Radicalisation & Extremism
      • Human Smuggling
      • Human Trafficking
      • Theory & (research) Methodology
      • Inclusion & Exclusion
      • EU Law & Policy on Justice and Home Affairs
      • Regulation & Control
  • (judicial) control of mobility
Research needs and/or research questions NWP

Research needs of NICC depends on study and themes. The following themes are relevant for NICC:

  • terrorism, radicalization and deradicalization
  • penology
  • recidivism and criminal careers
  • operation and management of justice
  • place of scientific research in judicial policy
  • legitimization and delegitimization of (international) mobility (of delinquents)
  • carceral geography (including the use of different forms of detention against migrants and problematic mobile persons)
  • historical Evolutions of Policy on ReMEIC Themes
  • Juvenile crime
  • Police
  • Public management (police and justice)
  • Prevention
  • Victimisation
  • Alternative dispute resolutions
  • Inter-partner violence
  • Justice, technologies and expertise
  • Prison policy

Possible collaboration with a ReMEIC student in analysing data and / or (policy) comparative research on a specific theme
Organization of seminars or thematic sessions / workshops at international congresses
Sharing information about our structures and research themes

Offer NWP: the role of the IMARC researcher
  • independent conduct of research
  • participant observation, fieldwork
  • access to data/documents
  • internship/traineeship
Number of IMARC researchers that can be placed at NWP per academic year
1 to 3 per year (depending on the current projects and interests of students)
Is it possible for IMARC researchers to have other forms of research collaboration and data collection (other than internship)?

Yes, namely:

  • data collection
Financial compensation (for IMARC researchers)
Selection procedure


  • Outline procedure (incl. potential timing restrictions/deadlines):

    First contact with trainee (s) with Research Department Criminology (preferably with the Director of the RD Criminology), mentioning interests and a CV, possibly even with a specific theme, at least a precise field of research; be able to provide proof of good conduct. Interview prior to the internship between the potential internship supervisor and trainee. Validation of the internship by the Director General of the NICC

Which language is required?
  • English (fluent)
  • Dutch (basic knowledge)
  • French (basic knowledge)
Certain agreements that need to be respected, such as screening procedures for students and confidentiality of the data, and the like?

There is an obligation to professional secrecy. Results may be disseminated only with the agreement of the principal investigator(s) of the NICC. In addition, the trainee must sign a form indicating the professional secrecy and the possible consequences for the violation thereof.

Possible start date / end date internship and/or other research collaboration
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